I just dropped my special holiday sessions and was thinking how could i help my clients this year. And we all know, that choosing the right outfit can make all the difference when capturing beautiful moments. In this blog, I'll share some tips to help guide you through selecting the perfect outfit for your holiday mini-session.

Cozy Sweaters and Scarves

The holiday season is all about warmth and togetherness, so why not reflect that in your outfit choices? Cozy sweaters, whether in classic colors like red, green, or white or with festive patterns like snowflakes or reindeer, are an excellent choice. Pair them with scarves in complementary colors to add that extra touch of warmth and style. These outfits not only keep you cozy but also evoke the spirit of the season.

Classic Holiday Colors

Red, green, and white are the traditional colors of the holiday season. Incorporating these colors into your outfit can make your photos pop with festive cheer. A red dress or a green blazer paired with white accessories can create a timeless and elegant look that is perfect for holiday-themed photos.

Plaid Patterns

Plaid is a pattern that never goes out of style during the holidays. Plaid shirts or dresses can add a touch of rustic charm to your session. It’s a versatile choice that works well for both outdoor and indoor photo shoots. Just ensure that the colors in the plaid pattern complement the overall color scheme of your session.

Matching Family Outfits

For family holiday sessions, coordinating outfits can make your photos look exceptionally cohesive and heartwarming. You don’t have to wear identical outfits, but selecting a common color palette or theme for everyone can tie the images together beautifully. For example, you might choose shades of blue and gray for a winter wonderland vibe or opt for a mix of red and white for a classic holiday feel.

Dress in Layers

Layering is not only a practical choice for staying warm during colder holiday months but can also add depth and texture to your photos. Think about adding a vest, cardigan, or a stylish jacket to your outfit. Layers can create visual interest and help you stand out against the backdrop of your chosen location.

Accessories Matter

Accessories can make or break an outfit. If you want feel free to incorporate holiday-themed accessories like Santa hats, reindeer antlers, or snowflake-themed jewelry for that extra touch of festive flair. Don’t overdo it, though – remember a little can go a long way.

Comfort is Key

While looking stylish and festive is the goal, don’t forget that comfort is essential, especially if your session involves children. Be mindful to also choose outfits that you and your family feel comfortable in, ensuring that you can move and interact naturally.

To wrap it up, choosing the perfect outfit for holiday sessions is all about capturing the warmth and spirit of the season while expressing your unique style. Whether you opt for cozy sweaters, classic holiday colors, plaid patterns, or matching family outfits, remember that the most important thing is capturing the joy and love shared during this special time of the year with you and your loved ones. So, this season I encourage you to embrace the holiday spirit, have fun, and let your personalities shine through your outfits during your holiday session!